Monday 16 March 2015

Introduction to Photography - Week 5

13.3.15 (Week 5)
Josephin (0320795)
Introduction To photography
Exercise 3a: Zone System
Exercise 3b: The Ansel Adam's Shot

Lecture :
Today class started by discussion with friends about Zone System. Mr Vinod asked us to give questions that we didn't understand then he will answer it. This material is a bit harder than before because the setting complicated. He explained to us how to take pictures use zone system rules so detail and till we understand. After that he gave us time to prove it. In the end of class he asked some questions for us then gave us exercise to do at home and upload it to blog as e-portfolios.

Instruction :

Having learned that the camera light meter is dumb, because it gives you an average or optimized (middle grey; zone 5) exposure irrespective of the subject matter, execute the plan below to prove the theory and record you thoughts on the matter in your eportfolio.
Exercise 3a: Zone System
1. Capture three subjects: one light zones, middle zones and dark zones.
2. Take two images for each subject, one exposure according to the camera's light meter and the other according to the zone you believe the image falls under.
3. Ensure that the subjects you choose for each zone area (light, middle dark) have a good range of tones within the zone's area. As an example if you are capturing a subject that falls under the light zone and the subject is a white wall, it is only going to have 1 shade of the light zone, so avoid such subject matters, choose subjects that have a healthy tonal range within the white zone.
All pictures must be in black and white.
Exercise 3(b):
The Ansel Adam's Shot
Choose an image worthy of being called an Ansel Adam's shot (Still Life, Landscape or Portrait).
In using the Zone System sketch and write down the perceived zones in the desired image and indicate the ISO, Aperture and Shutter Speed used. Identify the point of interest and state the exposure settings recommended by the camera light meter and your improved settings upon using the zone system. The image captured must fulfill the following criteria:
3b) Ansel Adams Shot (5%)
Marking Criteria: Students must show evidence of using the Zone System. Student must produce 1 black & white image that captures depth and richness in tonal value by capturing light, middle and dark tones while maintaining details (texture and tone) in the dark and light areas of the image.

Exercise 3a: Zone System

Light Zone :

1. Zone 6, F4, ISO 200, 1/320

2. Zone 6, F4, ISO 200, S1/1000
Middle Zone :

3. Zone 5, F4.5, ISO 6400, S1/40
Dark Zone :

4. Zone 2-3, F4.5, ISO 6400, S1/60

5. Zone 2-3, F4.5, ISO 6400, S1/30

Exercise 3b: The Ansel Adam's Shot
P : F4.5 ISO3200 S1/125

Redo : 


Feedback :
Via Facebook :
"you managed to showcase that the exposure meter isn't accurate all the time through exercise 3am. However my instruction were that you need to fill the frame of your view finder "only" with zones that fall within; the light zones, middle zones and dark zones, but you dark zone shot in exercise 3a didn't follow that. Nevertheless, you still managed to prove that the exposure meter is dumb. Your middle zone picture had only one option, I assume that you feel the exposure meter in this instance was accurate. I would like to tell you that you need to take pictures in day light and not indoors! The lighting quality in doors are insufficient and effects quality of the image as can be seen in your exercise 3b. Please redo it and see me for further explanation in the morning. The choice of subject matter for exercise 3b needs to be a lot more aesthetically pleasing or interesting. Your choice of subject was a little dull due to the lack of a strong point of interest, the subject matter isn't visually arresting. You must go out side your room or dormitory. Now with regards to your reflection; please read the definition before writing the reflection; experience, observation and findings. You can keep your sentences brief due to the challenge of the language but you must reflect on your result by explaining what you observed and what you found out."

Reflection :
Experience :
Today class was caught my attention fully since I learned a new topic called "Zone System". As usual when I read the material before class start, it's make me feel really confuse. In the class, even that Mr Vinod explained twice actually I still cannot understand because we have to remember the zone then decide which is dark, grey or dark zone. But after the final explanation I can understand a bit like dark zone is zone 3 as example road then bright zone is zone 7 as sky or snow and every picture that you take is zone 5. Let's assume that if you take picture of sky zone 7, you have to change the shutter by two stop of aperture. Therefore, 1 stop of aperture mean change 1 zone.

Observation :
When I took pictures at campus for the 3a exercise, Mr Vinod take a look of what I had took and he said that I have to take something look more 3 Dimension and look for my friend's work so I took again at home. When I took exercise 3b I feel confuse when decide which zone is middle or dark zone because sometimes it look same. 

Findings :
I notice that zone system is optimum capture of the real object and colour that we have seen wherefore in this material the exposure meter is not correct. In the manner of doing this exercise frequently will improve your understand and skill of zone system.

Learning goal: Students will be able to use the Zone System to capture an accurate and desired exposure of a real-life scene with a wide range of tonal values. 
Learning outcome 1: Students will be able to use exposure settings (Aperture, Shutter Speed & ISO).
Learning outcome 3: Students will be able to distinguish a bad exposure from a good exposure.

Learning outcome 2: Students will be able to use the Zone System exposure technique to achieve desired results.

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