Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Introduction to Photography - Week 12

8.5.2015 ( Week 12 ) 
Josephin ( 0320795 ) 
Introduction to Photography
Theme-based project - Week 3

Today we postpone our lighting so Mr.Vinod asked to bring our laptop for prepare the picture that we took around campus and edit then print out on A1 size paper.

Pictures for Theme-based Project: Texture of nature






Screenshot :

Feedback :
I need a consistency in my series picture because all picture that I took was not really consistent.

Actually I didn't understand what size that we need to apply for the picture we had taken. I asked Mr. Vinod help to set out the size and explain it again to me. After we had done cropped and resized, we went to the print room at block D level 7 to print it out. However, my photo didn't had a good contrast between the black and white. After that I tried to arrange it again untill got the better picture. Thus, my coursemate and I decided to print them out on next Friday when we got class. 

I observed that the tone of my picture printed out by a nice quality printer. The printer is totally different from that kind of printer that we usually use to print for document, it's special for big size paper. The outcome of the photo is satisfied and very detailed.

In order to print the photo in A1 size paper, we should convert the picture into PDF file.

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