Josephin (0320795)
Introduction to Photography
Theme based project : The Fascination of Wings
1. ISO 800, F8.0, S1/125
2. ISO 400, F8.0, S1/160
3. ISO 800, F8.0, S1/80
4. ISO 3200, F8.0, S1/100
5. ISO 800, F8.0, S1/320
6. ISO 400, F8.0, S1/200
7. ISO 800, F8.0, S1/125
Screenshot :
Feedback :
My picture was good but I have to manage about the background and object since the trees background quite disturbing. I should find an interest on something that I take not because it is the reason to get a great picture.
Experience : I realize that so hard to take animal picture especially bird because it will scare easily and fly away. Besides, I have to wait until I get the right pose of them and sometimes my exposure not correct then blur. Furthermore, should find a nice angle to make the picture seem interesting but this all taught me how to be more patience about something we can make perfection.
Observation : I observed that the more you take picture more improvement that you can gain to take a nice picture.
Findings : I found that almost of birds have a great colour on their wings. If I take picture in black and white mode. Particularly for those have red, black, white and yellow color it could give a strong contrast. Actually I'm not satisfied with my picture because some of it looks like normal picture.