Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Introduction to Photography - Week 9

17.4.2015 (Week 9)
Josephin (0320795)
Introduction to Photography
Theme Based Project : Week 1

Lecture :
Today class were Mr. Vinod check our photos that we have printed out and he gave feedback about it. Then he showed us the previous intake works to be an inspiration later on. He also told us some of famous photographer and asked what will we take for the project.

Photos :
'Old Building and the shapes'

  (F8 , S 1/2000 , ISO 3200 )

( F8, S 1/3200 , ISO 3200 )

( F8 , S 1/3200 , ISO 3200)

( F8 , S 1/2000 , ISO 3200 )

( F8, S 1/60 , ISO 100)

Screenshot :

Reflection :
Experience :
I feel so blank when Mr. Vinod asked me what is my topic for this project because my place that I lived. Last weekend I went to Kuala Lumpur for shopping with my roommates but I got ideas to take picture at Dataran Merdeka. I chose this place since I had went once when I were secondary school and the building got so nice structure. I tried my best to took from some angles to got good picture. However, I feel my picture not really nice because I had to rush before sunset and theres no sunlight.

Observation :
I observed that taking pictures around campus so bored because I feel like repeating it again and again. I still confuse how to use photoshop, it has so many tools that I haven't learn.

Findings :
I found that if we want to take a good picture must have something interest to attract people eyes. We cannot just take it randomly without considering first. Now I only understand how to make the picture look better by using levels. I can control the contrast between black and white as example the shadow is black.

Introduction to Photography - Week 8

3.4.2015 (Week 8)
Josephin (0320795)
Introduction to Photography
Exercise 5 : Editing and Printing (ungraded)

Lecture :
I was absent for today class because I got sick. So I learned how to edit the picture use photoshop from my classmates.

Instruction :
After capturing images around the campus select the best image in your estimation, edit and prepare the image file with white borders (as directed during the Editing exercise) and print an 8x10 print from Photomedia:

Printing @ Photomedia

Add: 44 (top floor), SS2/67, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor D.E., Malaysia.
Tel: +603 7865 5227 Fax: +603 7875 5227

Picture that I obtained from last week class :

Picture I've chosen to edit using photoshop :

Feedback :
Via Facebook:
"Josephin, I didn't see any update for week 8: editing and consistency. Your exercise to edit and print the pictures etc?"

Learning goal: Students will be able to edit at a basic level and prepare and image in Adobe Photoshop for printing in a photography lab’.
Learning outcome 1: Students will be able to use exposure settings (Aperture, Shutter Speed & ISO).
Learning outcome 3: Students will be able to distinguish a bad exposure from a good exposure.
Learning outcome 2: Students will be able to use the Zone System exposure technique to achieve desired results.
Learning outcome 4: Students will be able to apply the Rule of Thirds and principles underpinning composition.
Learning outcome 5: Use Adobe Photoshop to edit pictures at a basic level.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Introduction to Photography - Week 7

20.3.2015 (Week 6)
Josephin (0320795)
Introduction to Photography
Exercise 4: Composition
Exercise 4.a: Rule of Thirds

Lecture :
We start our class with feedback and brief for new topic from Mr. Vinod. Then, he let us go for 2 hours to take some pictures around campus used all methods he had explained before. In the end of class he gave an exercise to do at home.

 1) ISO 1600, F 8.0, S 1/2000

 2) ISO 1600, F 8.0, S 1/3200

3) ISO 400, F 8.0, S 1/640

Instructions for Ex. 4b
Exercise 4b: Priciples underpinning composition.
Capture 4 Images adhering to any of the mentioned principles below:
Domination/Emphasis • Isolation • Balance • Repetition
Alignment • Contrast • Rhythm • Symmetry/Asymmetry
Harmony • Perspective
Print all 4 images on an A4 as instructed in class.
(Put to use what you have learnt in the Zone system exercises here)
4b) Principals underpinning composition (5%)
Marking Criteria: The image must show evidence of the dominant principle used and the supporting principles (if any) underpinning the composition. The principles underpinning the image must be named and should be visible within the image. Students must showcase their knowledge on exposure using the zone system.

 1) ISO 100, F 8.0, S 1/160, Perspective

 2) ISO 100, F 8.0, S 1/200, Perspective

 3) ISO 6400, F 8.0, S 1/60, Asymmetry

Screenshot :

Feedback : Via Facebook
Josephin, you are suppose to use 4 different principles in your exercise, you have repeated the perspective principle twice. The work done however is inline with the expectation of the learning outcome but not inline with the instructions. When you put the work on your Hardcopy you have to separate the exercise from the Classwork (going out alone and taking pictures). You are also suppose to include the learning goal and outcomes along with the TGC in the post.

I took the pictures 2 hours outdoor in campus around 10am during the photography class, I kept to change the shutter speed and shooted as much as possible till get the correct exposure then find the best one.

I have not observe anything significant because I feel my pictures seems not good but I will try my best to do it again. Thus, I have to take more and get better pictures since the weather recently is not friendly neither support to take outdoor pictures. 

I notice that its not easy to shoot an unique pictures for share because we need to observe good way and side view. Now I recognize shutter speed really useful for photography wherefore it control the light to camera. I realize that I gain more knowledge about camera world from this photography class.

Learning goal: Students will be able to use the above mentioned rules or principle to make or capture interesting, dynamic or subtle compositions. 

Learning outcome 1: Students will be able to use exposure settings (Aperture, Shutter Speed & ISO).
Learning outcome 3: Students will be able to distinguish a bad exposure from a good exposure.
Learning outcome 2: Students will be able to use the Zone System exposure technique to achieve desired results.
Learning outcome 4: Students will be able to apply the Rule of Thirds and principles underpinning composition.