Sunday, 28 June 2015

Batik Workshop

this is my batik that I had made from the batik workshop in Ampang, Kuala Lumpur.

Final assignment - Greeting Cards

we had given 2 weeks to do 3 greeting cards with different theme.

1. Halloween Card

2. Valentine Card

3. Mother's day card

Before we did the card, we should think about the ideas for it and we plan it nicely to get a great cards.

Assignment 8 - Monochromatic

This week we got assignment about doing monochromatic from the distortion that we had done last week.

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Assignment 7 - distortion and reflection

this one is from a metal bowl

this one is from fake mirror

Assignment 6 - Colour

last week class we got assignment about contrast between colour

Tioman Trip Assignment

3D charcoal burger

Before I made the burger into 3D, i sketches 20 pictures about tioman to get the ideas for next assignments.

Assignment 5 - Distortion and repetition

Today in class we were learn about how to create a contrast and repetition. Using black sugar paper and cut it properly then paste on a3 paper.

Assignment 4 - Pattern

In today class, we were made mark use principle of design elements such as line, dot, circle, etc. Then we should collage it become one

Assignment 3 - Shadow

We are required to made contrast in black and white by create shadow

Assignment 2 - Typography

We are require to create and draw faces with typography

Assignment 1 - Self Potrait

This was about human are not eternity and will become dust and go back inside ground

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Introduction to Photography - Week 16

07.06.15 (Week 16)
Josephin (0320795)
Introduction to Photography
Theme Based Project : Final

Today Mr. Vinod went through our update for the theme based project and told us to finalize our pictures and write a rationale to go along with it.


Rationale :
Line in between
About the Photographer:
Josephin Chai (b. May 1996, Indonesia) currently studying in the Foundation in Design course in Taylor's University Lakeside Campus, Subang. I made the decision to choose the Introduction to Photography module as my elective course this semester because I've had been try Human Communication class last year and I was August intake actually but I'm out since I late almost 3weeks and blur about the assignments, I also wanted to improve and develop to know more about photography by the reason of I have a DSLR camera but I never try to learn it. I always set it into auto mode. I really like to capture something memorable and vintage however I do not know the basic. During the final weeks, I obtained a lot of new experiences from the basic and enjoy some moments that interesting for me such as doing online discussion by Socrative application and Facebook online messenger.
About the Photographs:
All of my five pictures that I had taken were around Kuala Lumpur. In advance to choose theme for my final, I had been thinking try to did a few easy theme such as texture, old buildings and birds world. I ended up it by doing perspective on architectural building because for me everything or everywhere that we see are contains that elements even this rounded earth. Besides, I realize it would be interesting if I took pictures from many angles that not all people aware of. I want show people to make them notice about the unique of it. I like to take far picture because it’s hard to get the sharpness.
The first picture was taken around LRT as you can see the rail there. Luckily, the weather was nice that day and the sunlight so its bight. That day I was planning go to Jakel Fabric store to accompany my roommate. After I capture, the picture was not bad to be a part of my series. I did not realize that the line between station and rail are related to each other since I only want to try out. My second and third picture was an old hotel building it’s located behind a town called Tuanku Abdul Rahman Street. The building shape seems so attractive whether between neither each line nor the contrast. I try to zoom in and focus on those to get sharp picture. Then, I adjust the aperture stop (F”) to the highest so I can show a clear picture.
Towards the fourth picture, it was the most interesting by virtue of the reflection on among three beautiful buildings. The composition is really great since I got the correct exposure and supported by the bright sunlight. Nonetheless, when I took this picture my eyes really pain until cry because too dazzled. It paid off because I feel satisfied with the result. The last picture is indoor exactly inside a Malaysian History Gallery. It’s a normal window but while sunlight trough inside room then you stares for long time on it, it has its own appeal. Due to the weather not really good it’s a bit hard to get the correct exposure.
As for the technical part, almost all the shot I took with ISO below than 400 owing to natural light from the sun was great. Except for the last picture I had set the ISO above than 1600 to get a bright picture even its indoor. In conclusion, I really enjoy taking architectural picture and this project made me think and observe something before do it. I also gain a lot knowledge about photography things that I had never know before such as what and how to set aperture stop, shutter speed and ISO. I hope this all stuff can improve my skill more in the future.

Reflection :
Honestly I was feel a bit afraid when I have to take 2 more picture for my final because I only get 1 week to finish it. Fortunately, I got did 5 series so I could choose some from the past to mix it together. I realize that I should have to manage my time to do each assignments before deadline.